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Job Search
posted by: on 12/19/2022

I an beleving God for a new job. PLease agree with us!!!
I will pray 4 people are praying.
Prayer for Coach Silas
posted by: on 12/13/2022

Pray for Coach Stephen Silas, Houston Rockets Coach, his dad passed away. Paul Silas was a 3 time champion and great person. Comfort and peace.
I will pray 6 people are praying.
posted by: on 11/15/2022

Dear friends in Christ, please pray for me and my mother Nancy
I will pray 11 people are praying.
posted by: on 8/23/2022

A few years ago, Pastor Watts came down to Houston to visit a church he use to attend. After he finished preaching he prayed over the congregation and then made the statement that, “God is healing that sciatic nerve, I don’t know who it was for but God has just healed you.” My mouth dropped to the floor and I immediately said under my breath, “That was for me I claim that”….. For years I could not remember or find out who Pastor Watts was but I’m glad I finally found him. God bless you Pastor, I have not had any trouble or sciatic pain in my right leg since that day!!!!! Praise God, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and BY THE WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY”
Amen! 6 people are praising.
Prayers for Healing
posted by: on 8/23/2022

I know that by His stripes we are healed! Although I don’t claim the disease I experience symptoms from an infirmity and a skin disease. I am asking that you pray with me and for me that God’s healing power manifest and I am completely delivered from this skin condition.
I will pray 5 people are praying.
posted by: on 8/21/2022

Please pray for my peace.
I will pray 18 people are praying.
Prayers for healing
posted by: on 8/11/2022

Diagnosed with unacceptable health conditions...Prayer for complete mental and physical healing.
I will pray 8 people are praying.
Prayer for my famiy
posted by: on 7/19/2022

My God mother just passed away. Please pray for the peace of our family.
I will pray 10 people are praying.
Prayer for my retirement
posted by: on 6/21/2022

Thanks for agreeing with us for more money for retirement. I'll be speaking with my agent this week.
I will pray 9 people are praying.
Financial Security
posted by: on 5/12/2022

I’m getting married next year, and our finances are under attack. We just found out as well that our roof needs immediate replacing. Please pray for financial security for me and my fiancé, and that our wedding and honeymoon will be paid in full
I will pray 5 people are praying.
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