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The ROCK Church

First Time Friends Survey

First Time Friends Surveypage 1 of 1

First Name Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Address Line 2
City State Zip Code
Thank you for visiting the Rock Church recently and for taking time to share information about your experience. You input helps us to evaluate the effectiveness of our mission to "Serve God, and Love People!" We appreciate you feedback to the following questions:
Select all that apply
Signage was adequate to help you find the auditorium.
Upon entering the building you were greeted by one or more of our hospitality staff.
Staff was helpful in directing you where you needed to go.
There was adequate directional signage.
Staff were friendly and able to assist you.
An usher met you as you entered the auditorium and greeted you.
You were assisted to sit in an area you preferred.

Please Rate the Following:

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Select from list
Select from list

* required